After waiting and then leaving in a flurry of curls and flounce one Saturday night, Little Miss Sunshine msged:
Hey darling, congrats n im so happy for u!!! Wana say, rmbr e time u chose God over ur past relationship? God saw your heart n He rewards, never shortchanges, she who is faithful. :D
Ironically, I got to introduce my other half to her other half, before her. Mr Ng must have thought we looked rather comical since
we I never stop half-skipping-half-walking while hollering the introduction in our attempt to board the last train.
Erm.... Did I say other half?
Our friend tried to surprise me with breakfast at the door one morning.
Unfortunately, our broken doorbell smashed his hopes -_-
So he decided to make me run all the way to the main road one morning to help carry stuff from the cab. I thought they were his training materials for work or something until I saw these:

So that I can parade back home with them and show any passing neighbours, he says.
Also because I hardly receive bouquets and he remembered a nonchalant remark on roses I made.
Something about exorbitant prices during big occasions or something.
But I'll make these an exception :p
As a sidenote, the other stuff he was burdened with were the following:
a) Korean instant mee ("Cos if you need to eat instant, then u shd go for the best")
b) XiaoBaiCai, something fresh to go with (a)
c) Eggs, cos he remb how I only cook (a) if there's egg @ home
d) Quaker Oats muesli bars, in case I'm skipping meals again cos of errands
Uber touched cos I know how forgetful he can be so it can only be love for him to remember little things like that. And the bonus is how we both have the same love language, so we both give in the way we like to receive :) :) :)
Days before that, we met for dinner at Northpoint. The Jap village foodcourt thingy has some awesome selections for pizza and hotplate.

Was both embarassed and tickled silly with this childhood toy he bought.
(I brought it to my nose only to realise to my horror that I'm trying to smell a
rubber flower -_- Not good to be romance-deprived for too long. Mayb that explained the roses...)

Monkey's ear aint tasting that great.
Alas we lost it while he was walking me back home :( :( :(
♥ You Stink! ♥
FYI, I wasnt arching my back but rather camwhoring with my arm in an awkward angle trying to press the camera button -_-
But whatever la ;p