Since we're planning and setting up operations right now, bear with me for the next 3 months k?
What with 86hr workweeks, I can't help but blog about work.
Was researching on finance systems and checking salary reports for employment rates when I came across
this. And I presume they are pretty recent from auto report generation by the site.
Rewind back to November 2008 where I consider myself an entry level 25yrold graphic designer with 1 year experience (degree not relevant to field of work).
Back then I was bringing home what a
senior graphic designer with
13yrs experience (diploma) is earning NOW.
Says alot about the change in economy huh?
That said, I'm thankful that the creative juices are still flowing for me to produce work I'm proud of. Now to start on the lovestoriesproject for N&L wedding book. Shiokness!