Birthday Dinner @ Sakuraya Fish Market. 15 Feb
For my quarter-century bdae, PseudoD suggested this place called
Sakuraya Fish Market for dinner.
If you dig fresh sashimi, this is THE place to go.
Swordfish Salmon Yellowtail SashimiFreshly handpicked by moi frm the selection =P
Bits of raw tako drenched in wasabi sauce.Slime never tasted this zesty and good.
Miso soup with 4 clams =P

Pretty lil
spoon for the
quivering bits of silken tofu =)
Fattiest Fish EVER...I imagined Omega 3 goodness rolling down my throat when I savour this... Serious!

Finally, the
tuna and salmon sashimi made their entrance.
You don't know just how fragrant raw fish can be until you've tasted that marbled flesh.

From now on, I shall only entertain one adjective for Saba -->
My heart sings when I hear the skin crackle beneath my sticks.
We gobbled this up so fast that D was left with the radish -_-

D: And I shall have
PseudoD: -_-'''o_O

D: It's quite good WHAT!
All of us: Ok lor... if you say so.

Caught in mid-giggle.

Some Ocha to soothe his frayed nerves. Grrrrr...

D: Don't care, I want to order again.
PseudoD: Don't order wrongly hor. And for the last time, that's GINGER, not SALMON!
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Can you believe this guy?!?! Bwahahaha!!!

Mind if I borrow your silk napkin?

This is what I call the
PopCorn Tuna.
Mushy Curry Potato Croquette
A standard fare in my sushi selection -
Sesame Seasoned Scallop Entrails.
And for the ill-informed, this is NOT scallop "sai4" ok!
Ho2 liao3 dun noe how to enjoy say "sai4"!

And no, I did
NOT repost the pic but this is our 2nd serving.
Can't tell right? Ya, we tooooootally love it.
Savoury Baby Octopus
PREMIUM BLUEFIN TUNA!!!Check out that slab of fish on a
teeny bit of rice.

Thank you Mr Waiter!

Effectively hiding my (fat) arms.

Decided to go Oosh for drinks since it's nearby and the guys havent been there b4.

Oh La La
We started cam-whoring with the
CANDLE while waiting for drinks.

Dude, you look like Tweety Bird here!

I like!

Another angle

Look who's the blondie NOW... -_-

Heehee XD

... I take back my comment about Tweety Bird....
You're more like the walking advertisement for Halloween.
1st round Someone *cough cough*: Hey the wheatgrass actually tastes like
APPLE!!! *munches thoughtfully on stalk of wheatgrass garnish

Me (nudge my HighOnGrass): That's because it
IS apple!
I should have just pointed at this. Enough said -_-

Happy with his drink =P

Nothing beats
sweet walnut cheesecake + crunchy biscut base after a long nite of savoury food.
Of course, it helps that it's got my (nick)name on it XP

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

I wish.... I wish....

The strawberry supporting my name hahaha!

White chocolate screaming at moi to "
Wonder what they got me *bounces up and down... my eyebrow, I mean*
*sniff.... smells like....
OK la, my mother tell me cannot waste food.
Wo3 Chi1 Wo Chi, WO CHI CHI!

Ripping it apart

OOO got 2 compartments!
I HEART YOU ALL! SO classy and so me *twirls curls ard finger* =P
2nd round XDand 2nd round of cam-whoring!

AGAIN! Ahahaha!

OH behave!

Acting Dao
Great food, "ok" drinks and FANTABULOUS company, as always.
You guys never fail to make me smile, even when I'm crying =P Thanks for your love =)