Mavis & I arrived a tad early so we made ourselves at home:

Happily making a racket XD

Cheeky grinz & busy fingers

Out of tune leh... how to play...

"Come, jeanie babie, lemme serenade you!"
TIRED...... *deep beauty sleep with ahlian pose*
WHOA is that a

It seems to be coming from downstairs...
Aiya boh wa eh dai ji, go back to sleep
*ah beng pose this time*
YAAAaaaAAAhHH!!! (even louder)
*pout* jeanie babie don't love me.
there there *nudge nudge*

Love Li instead!
Ahli's hui-shuo-hua-de-yan-jing:

*cut mavis off purposely*
Nah nah, how's this?
Nigel, hai si ni zui hao!

Can someone get these 2 crazy women outta here!!! *state of shock*

*bounces over merrily*
LAODA! What did u just say?
"Er... ha ha ha... No... nothing!"

Grrrrrr irritating...

Tired after a long day...
There. All the pics *poke mavis* with a random story to boot =)
All in all, this year's thanksgiving is as heartwarming or perhaps even more so than the previous years'. Guess it's cos the longer & harder the walk, the more you have to thank God for.
I've always loved chillin' in a place like this with friends. People you know and can be comfortable with. As the sharing session makes its round, what lies unspoken rings resoundedly through the night in quiet tears and shy smiles across the room. Despite a hasty departure to catch the last transport home, we all took home a little bit of extra warmth that night. Just that night... And I believe that's what makes Thanksgiving special, the power of sharing and letting it all out... just for that one night.
So often, we tend to take the regularity for granted but really, I thank God everyday for all of you.
2008's gonna be great =)