Angsty entry ahead. You’ve been warned.
One of my friends likes to rant & rant verbally. Me? I type & type...... blog drafts, only to eventually publish one. This one.
And this is Draft Number 63 (yah, I counted) and I’m only publishing it cos it has practically zero expected repercussions. Firsthand experience taught me how words can make or break a person.
On the way back home, I was pondering about a close friend’s situation and even though he’s handling it well, the more I think about it, the more I got reminded of past slanders & how sickeningly easy it is for hatred to spread. Makes it even worse if it happened in a place you expect to find love.
If you’re not happy with the person, find a time to tell him (season with salt, please)
If face to face confrontation isn’t your cup of tea, fine. Write to him then. Even better, you can edit your words (presuming you have the common sense to do so) before handing over the letter.
If you are only comfortable with telling someone close to you, think twice about how constructive your words will be at settling the matter.
And I say this again - “I need to get it off my chest” is no excuse.
If you love gathering members to your Self-Pity Society, then please just keep quiet. And honey, may I gently remind you that the whole world doesn’t revolve around you.
Which brings me to the next point; there’s a high chance you don’t like yourself very much in the 1st place…
And when all else fails, put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself if you enjoy being in them. So how now?
Guess not.
Wake up & grow up, for goodness’ sake. You are so not a kid anymore.
One of the
Facebook applications allows one to add friends to one’s “Top Friend” list. Up to 35, I think.
Question: If someone you don’t regard as a “Top Friend” added you to her list, would you cave in and add anyway?
A friend went on to point out that I don’t really let people into my inner circle, do I? Well, true and false.
If you have earned my respect and has shown that you can handle keeping a secret, I’ll share. In bits and pieces, over Starbucks or your humble void-deck kopitiam =p
If you have a loose tongue, I won’t waste my time sharing to you, har-dee-har laughter aside.
Ok fine - in dire circumstances so you know you're not alone, I’m staying in the boat and we’ll ride out the storm together.
Contrary to your impression of me by now, I DO have a heart.
On a lighter note, I’ve been double-counting my blessings for the precious handful of friends I know I can keep for life. I thank God again for you. (hugs & smooches)
5 Love Languages – Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gifts, Physical Touch
My results say “Acts of Service” (Hahahaha a sunny thought just came to mind. Of mei opening & pouring my can of green tea, asking earnestly “so how how your love tank got fill up anot???”)
Honestly speaking, the one thing that touches my heart is meeting my need at that point in time. Whether is it your company, a little encouragement, some form of help, a little present to brighten up my day or just a simple hug. It doesn’t need to cost much just to let me know that you’re there, really.
Closing with a disclaimer, just in case. If you are offended in any way to what I’ve written, I'm sorry.
Toodles. Gotta go finish a presentation.