Random Post1) FriendDuh, no don't be silly, it's not that I don't care.
If I really don't, then I wont have bothered to even
try. DUH! (hugz)
2) To the fren above: Everything's gonna b alrightA D E D, A D E D, A D E D, A D E D,
F#m7 B D E
A D E D, A D E D, A D E D, A D E D,
A D E D, A D E D, A D E D, A D E D.
(Hallelujah hallelujah! Woohoo! Clap clap clap! *jams vigorously*)
song *insert gummy grin :D
Amazing how God can put such joy back into this
So, let the power of willingness cover the lack of talent (or shall I say, practice?)
3) 5 different styles of connecting to GodComtemplative: —Synonyms 1. thoughtful, reflective, meditative.
Intellectual: - Adjective 1. appealing to or engaging the intellect: intellectual pursuits.
Serving: -Verb 1. To be of assistance to or promote the interests of; aid:
Charismatic: -Adjective 1. possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; "a charismatic leader"; "a magnetic personality"
Relational: -Adjective 1. a property that associates two quantities in a definite order, as equality or inequality (Just kidding)
Relational: -Adjective 1. the mode or kind of connection between one person and another, between an individual and God, etc.
Wonder what's Sunday's audio edit about... *contemplating*
4) Worried ConcernedAmidst the fog, will I still feel ur presence as strongly as in the hall this Easter?
Anyways, see you this weekend =)
5) HR positionHow shall I approach him? When shall I approach him? What can I ask him?
Most importantly, do I think I can do it?
Overcontemplativeness... Ah well :