22nd July (I think)My ex-pseudo-darling sent us an email, claiming he's gonna
fulfil his promise of
qia-ing us once he got his first paycheck. *blows a kiss*
29th JulyThe lot of us gathered at CityHall Interchange surrounded by mobs of xiao-mei-meis & xiao-di-dis. We headed for
Outback's Steakhouse @ Millenia Walk for dinner.
Give That Girl A Beer, Give That Girl A Hi-Five Poring through pictures of
yummilicious hearty meals accompanied with
pricey labels *gulp*, we took an understandably long time to decide on what to chow on.
Check out the food baby! Picture courtesy of Randall who unwittingly bumped his ass into some
irate tai-tai's Jimmy Choos from the next table as he crouched to take this shot.
The Hot Fave These
crunchy-on-the-outside-juicy-on-the-inside Bushmen Shrooms, which taste nothing like what !Kung Bushmen can ever cook, are accompanied by
melty fried mozzarella cheese fingers. Yum! *I wont say the
unexpectedly scorching burst of mushroom fluid is welcomed by all... ouch!*
When we asked u to "Dig In", we meant the food, dude. While Gary's beef skewers turned out to be rather helpful in rectifying
Uncle Ow's hearing problem...
ByeBye French Manicure, Hello Talons ... I took grooming matters into
my own hands.
For paying so much, anyone would think they'll give decent change...

...instead of shillings amounting to $9.65

Thumb-Lickin'-Good On behalf of everyone, Uncle Ow gave his comments when Gary asked him how's the food.

Heavy Meal, Light Walk While the gang was in search of the nearest bar...

Honey, You Make Me Taste So Good ...I chanced upon this delightful sight of black & white S & P shakers in the glass display, dancing to my humming of "New York, New York". I wonder what they'll whisper to each other if they can talk...

Honey, shd I buy this? One can almost hear the audible gulp of ZhanXiong when BaoJin pondered seriously if the $75 lamb-skin Mary-Janes are worth buying...

Is this nice!?! Is this nice!?! WeiShi puts our photographer through a vigorous round of shoe-selection.

My brand-new white VNC kitten heels... hear them roar... MEEEOOOOORRRW Yes, dah-ling, I noe it's tough making a decision... But make your choice fast cos Uncle Ow's eyeing the same pair *gasp* !

Doesn't she look like the Marigold cow?!?! Bwahahah!!! & our girl finally found & settled into a mean-looking pair of pointys that screams POWER. Hubba Hubba Hubba.

Heh heh, got another pair of WHITE heels The guilty-happy feeling only a shoe-whore will know...

Heehee! I can't believe I bought 2 pairs! For someone who spent over a hundred on shoes she dun need, BaoJin sure looks exhilarated.

Let's Walk Off The Calories Again, People After apologizing profusely to the guys, we made our way to California Bistro @ the Esplanade....

Red Hot Chilli Peppers ... where I dun see eye to eye with Tabasco fans. U'd think the red one's bad enough...

Green Gross Chilli Peppers ... but that's b4 u tried the green one *MAJOR BLEH*

Silky smooth banana milkshake & Miler Lite Dude, u need to...

Here's To The Good Ol' Days ... change ur pose. *slap forehead*

Giggling convulsively I just couldn't seem to stop... scroll down for the reason why.

...'Nuff said...

Bet U Didn't Know This This, my frens, will be the length of your peewee. Just measure the hypothenus of the right-angle triangle from the tip of your thumb to the 1st knuckle on your fore-finger.

Wondering what question to ask, Wondering if he'll kana again Crazy questions ranging frm the kinky, the sleazy, to the down-right boh-liao. So far, the bottle pointed out (inaccurately, we hope) ZhanXiong's inability to satisfy his girl, Gary having the longest u-noe-what *yes, he's happy with that title, sheesh* and Uncle Ow being a closet narcissist with a fetish for wearing lingerie...

CHEERS!!! Actually, we just dun wan to see your faces HAHAHAH!!! Mean Jean...

A Parting Shot Ciao!