11:26 pm
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:46 pm
WOOHOO!!! Finally got my bright yellow Lance Armstrong Foundation LIVESTRONG armband!!!
Initially thot I'll need to order online but heard from JaNehNeh tt Haze's selling ard sch. Dumbshit bluff me & said it'll cost $1 but it's like $8 lor!!! #^%$&&&#... But it's worth it... =) Hmmm... wonder if there'll be one to support Tsunamis Victims... *Suggestion to any budding designer in S.E.A. : ORANGE looks good heehee. Later. |
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:19 pm
Came across this on Before Sunset today on the CL comp...
AmericanDude: How're u doing? AmericanDudette: GREAT!!! How're u doing? AmericanDude: GREAT!!! ("'-_-) Totally diao moment... But U sure won't find this in Singapore, that's for sure. Wassup with all that "Awww, life sucks. Still the same old boring shit around" anyway WAKE UP & SMELL THE ROSES, PEOPLE!!! LIFE'S BEAUTIFUL!!! REALLY!!! |
Friday, January 21, 2005 3:27 am
Dead beat. Yesh it's 3.00 when we finally reached YIH after our Zhi Zi Lu Kou ard Singapore.
Started off @ 10pm where the 18 of us were split up into 3 groups. First thing on the menu: Yin4 Du4 Jian1 Bing3 @ Pasir Panjang... then rushed over to Beh-Do-Nald for Bing1 Qi2 Ling2... then Ling2 Mong2 Cha2 @ Holland V, Char1 Shao1 Bao1 @ Geylang, Bao2 Bing3 @ Lao Pa Sat, Bing1 Sha1 @ Lao Pa Sat & Sha1 Die1 @ Newton... Courtesy of Mel's car =) Ok... TOO damn tired to talk more. I'm so going to Zzz on the comp. Later... no, make that MUUUCH later. |
Monday, January 17, 2005 10:32 pm
Revamped Ah-Lian Entry
That's right. I FINALLY went to have my hair cut & redyed @ the nearby salon aft weeks of agonized thinking if I shd get the dye from a box (Price: S$18.50) or go to the salon (Price: >>> S$18.50) But I STILL have to get my hair trimmed anyway... Me (enters Golden Apple salon): "Auntie, ke yi bang wo xiu bao ma? Then bang wo layer yi xia..." Auntie (darts a quick *not quick enough* glance @ my hair): "Xiao mei, ni yao ran tou fa ma?" Me: "Er... wo kao lu kao lu..." Auntie: swept a flowing cape over me & began snippin' away... 1 min later Me (thinking): OMG!!! My last dye job looks HORRIBLE!!! U mean I have been walking around in THIS?!?! 4mins later Me (still thinking): Shd I get my hair dyed here?... $80 leh!!! *xim tia cannot buy guitar* 15mins later Me: "Auntie, wo yao ran tou fa." Suddenly, the dam broke & the auntie chided me for having sucha bad dye job done b4 lah, why I go & dye myself lah, why don't get professional help when I noe I have such thick hair lah yadah yadah yadah... In fact, she's sooo good @ it that I was reduced to perching meekly on my seat throughout the entire process, feet dangling off the seat like some little grl, while she violated my hair roots, fried my head under the steamer, infused my scalp with O3 treatment......... 1 hour later TADAH!!! Same old brand new ME =) My hair has been slashed *the amt she snipped off can clog the longkang downstairs* until my hair feels weightless & my hair is now ready for CNY *hmmm... mayb I can tie Mandarin oranges in my hair to complement, u think? heh heh heh* BUT I still feel like an Ah Lian... Mayb I shd have gone for a darker colour like this Iced Mocha... Oh well... It's worth the $97 =) |
Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:13 pm
Today's a GREAT day filled with blessings!!! Rushed down to church after tuition & boy, was the service today powerful... Never have I felt this way when speaking in tongues... Talk about taking a step of faith =) If u must feel it to believe it, then surely this takes the cake =) Can't wait to go to church again next week... =p
Oh I was talking about blessings, wasn't I? Well check THIS OUT... A GIFT FROM WEEFU, one of my brothers in church!!! WEEeee!!!! *pun not intended haha* THANKS BRO!!! ![]() Introducing the cast of NARUTO (from left): Hyuuga Neji, Akimichi Chouji, Nara Shikamaru, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto =) There're other characters in the anime, of course. Been following the series on CBLC comps eversince I was hooked on the very 1st episode last sem =) So much for a Ninja named after "Japanese fishcake" =p I'm not boh-liao enough to elaborate abt the story here so do try downloading the anime from here & ENJOY!!! It's a free-download website btw =) *Many thanks to Felix for lending me the VCDs he burnt =) Arigato!!!* Later =) |
Friday, January 14, 2005 11:58 pm
Groan.... Rushed down to AMK aft the 1800-2000 lecture about *loud gasp* X-Ray Diffraction *lightning bolts streaked across the sky + thunder storm crackling the air* Grasped Ju's & Jade's arms aft browsing thru the page, only to have this...
Ju: (grins widely): Eh, Jean, do u remember what's this? *points* Me: (shoots her an ultra-bored look): short-wavelength limit lah. Ju: (excitedly): SO CLEVER!!! Pure horror rushed thru my body as I considered how much I'm gonna have to relive the nightmare of IA 1 (Instrumental Analysis)... Thank God it was brief. Phew. =================================================================== Dinner was great. There's a major gathering @ my aunt's as our Thai relatives popped by for dinner. Most of the crowd there (all from my grandma's side) went to the wedding dinner of Adrian & Avyne the nite b4 so we were aquainted. *Flashback: lao-aunties & lao-ah-peks saying in wonder if "Ji gai si Ah Qi ah?!!?!! WAAA... Ah neh nia/sam ah???... Gui huey liao? Zu lai zu nia hor... " & the awkward "kam-sia"s goes on... for a brief moment, I was transported back in time to my pudgy days...* Had tons of fun brushing up on my Teochew vocabulary... & I FINALLY got to distinguish who's who in the entire family tree & address them in Teochew... wah piang... no joke man... over 40... REVISION Grandma's:
Oh yah... heard some unexpected news today from a certain someone heehee... Today's a happy day =) Later. |
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:37 pm
![]() Pui Ter Junior The Second aka P.T.J... Those of u who noe the size of my hand will know how ENORMOUS this fat-ass of a rodent I got here is... He (I have yet to know how to sex my pets unless they start breastfeeding their lil ones, so PTJ is, of now, male) can't even turn ard when I lie him on his back *chuckling @ image of PTJ's paws waving frantically ard in a flurry*... The resident heavyweight champion of Blk 824, unit 08-606... & 1 of my cutest babies =) Wonder y the entry on hamsters now? Well, I just read abt the death of Filee's hamsters... Recalled how I cried my eyes out when I realized the cutest one of my 1st batch was blerdy murdered by its cold-blooded mother & sibling one morning... I dun even dare to touch its bloody lifeless lumpy body of matted fur... *sad sigh* Let's observe a moment of silence for all hamsters who passed away b4 their prime . . . . . . *silence* . . . . . . Ok... now for some quality time w my 5 hamsters. Later. |
Wednesday, January 05, 2005 10:12 pm
The Great Tiramisu Experience
As Martin's date of departure approaches, I'm starting to wonder if there's something nice to do for him... Hmmm... So instead of buying him something, decided to make him something. After discussion w Kelly & Tiko on Monday nite, suddenly DING *lightbulb flashes* I decided on tiramisu, remembering the Bailey's Mum bought from DFS days ago. Chanced upon this raspberry tiramisu recipe online amidst dozens of tiramisu recipes w funny variations. What struck me was not the simplicity of it... it's how less unhealthy it is compared to the one with *gasp* 6 egg-yolk or worse *major loud gasp* 9 egg-yolks!!! (Thought flashing by: SIAO AH!!! Wan us ALL to die from high cholesterol issit!?!?!) Madness... Lugged my fat ass out of bed to Cold Storage on Tuesday morning... only to find out that mascorpone cheese is out of stock... The 3 most feared words of last-min-chefs... *groan* Had to make do w the ONLY cream cheese ard there... & Sara Lee pound cake... & strawberries & blueberries cos "boh lasp-lelly liao, Ah Mweh"... ='( Wednesday morning Thank God my mum keeps her baking stuff together. Out came all the measuring spoons, cup, mixing bowls, whisks blah blah blah... Half an hour later, I was convinced whoever said tiramisu is easy to make has NEVER made it before. KNS... try creaming the damn cream cheese w sugar lah!!! And the yolks have to beat like siao... They conveniently left out ARM POWER in the recipe man.... *groanz* 4 hours later, Josh tried... *wait for his reaction w bated breath* ... & he took seconds! YAY!!!Mum kept listening to me talking & talking while she kept on eating & eating... DOUBLE YAY!!! Hahaha.... Now... Martin's turn... |
9:46 pm
List of things to buy:
Areas yet to tackle:
*surveying the ruined landscape of my bed being occupied by the former occupants of my desk, wondering how the hell I let so much junk dui1 ji2 ru2 san1...* Packing sucks... That "C" in me is sooo unsanctified hahaha. Later =P |