Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:33 pm
Of all farking days, Moses must come TODAY!!! Nvm, I'll be camera-woman on Tuesday's Outing.
Going on retail therapy session w Martin tml. & qia-ing him to Sakae *hahahah choke & die!!!* for helping me w my tuition stuff. U noe how u can easily do a question without a further thot to it last time, but when u looked at it for too LONG a period, ur brain'll suddenly got farked-up & u'll face a class of 15 or so kids, earnestly awaiting the correct ans? This has farking happened one time too many. I seriously think I need to buy those Grammar Book exercises & practices for myself to recap. All my past, present participle & future farking tenses are so farking screwed up I wont even employ myself if given a choice. Blame it on all the broken english & chapalang *SEE SEE!!!* language we ALL use nowadays. Short of the GP teachers, everyone I'm associated with injects the F word into their speeches, whacks some verb & use it as some noun, twists the spelling so it'll either look "kewl" or abbreviated into some incorrigible form that became part of our culture eventually-- the young-adults-online culture. Haiz... To think I used to pride myself on being able to correct mistakes of any sort at a glance & now I take a farking long time at "Spelling and Editting". Screwed up man. AND to make my venting above worse, that ugly, selfish, chauvinistic, farking self-centred, egoistical, hypocritical, with-a-face-only-his-mother-will-love farker msged me some boh-liao shit AGAIN. Eh if u have farking so much time, go irritate someone else can? OR go find ur gf or someone who has a higher tolerance level for morons like u, good luck to him/her. Dont msn me some shit asking how's my day *as if u farking cared... & yes, I KNOW u don't* Dont act surprised when I give u an (one-word) ans & Dont EVEN THINK you can dig info out of me & tell that farking bitch that u know what's going on in my life EVEN THOU you're NOT talking to me in person. If u dont call that a farking hypocrite, I dont know what the fark u call it. Calling him a pig is an insult to all the pigs. I farking need to get out there to shop man. LONG TIME since I got anything... haiz... Later. |
Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:16 pm
Just back from a pool session & dinner w JaNehNeh *name originated from JaJaBinks* to a room w extremely noisy neighbours above me... Fuck man. My keyboard is vibrating as we speak here, in tempo to the thumps coming from my ceiling. I honestly think they're converting that room into a mini-gym, wat w the simulated dumb-bell-dropping sounds every 2 seconds *yes I timed*
Dumbasses using Dumbbells. It's no wonder. *imagining a bench-press falling thru the ceiling* WHY CANT THEY SHIFT HOUSE DURING THE FUCKING DAY?!?!?! Borrowed Photoshop.7 to try to master Adobe Photoshop 7.0... okie, at least now got stuff to do at nite when I'm bored. Then mayb I wont blog so much & so often that it's becoming as boh liao as xiaxue's blog. AND the ppl in my photos benefit from all these "cyber-surgery" I do... Grandma came over early in the morning& Dad showed her my 21st bdae photos... & she's gushing at how that pale patch on Granddad's chin disappeared in them. Grandma: "Wah Ah Qi! Ler eng diang nao zhor gao ah neh nia hah? Wah Gin Gao!..."(translate: Wah Ah Qi! You used the computer to do until so nice ah? So clever!") Me: "Heh heh... Abo THEN!" Aunt: *pretend to vomit* |
Friday, May 28, 2004 9:52 pm
Dad's alright. Heng. Was worried when I heard he vomitted just after the operation. Kidney stone successfully blasted away. Now the flushing of the debris from the kidneys... At least he's not in pain anymore, thank God. Waited in the Endoscopy Room the whole day while rubbing my extremely volleyball-bruises (kana my nerve/vein... fucking painful)... U noe how the pain can drive u insane initially but later it became shiok as u rubbed & rubbed? Weird but true.
Set up another Sentosa outing for next Tues, 11.30am. Voleyball, kayaking/canoeing/ Frisbee-ing + mineral water + free UV rays at $4 pax. Interested bloggers pls comment on tagboard or if u shy, sms me. Replies sent ASAP are greatly appreciated. *slowly rubbing my arms... aaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaahhhhhHHHHHHHhhhhhh* Just saw Ken online & he finally sent me Liting's bdae pic. Using my meagre, pathetically little Photoshop skills, I managed to "plaster" a fren's zits & carefully blurred the oilshine on all our faces until they are magically *darn I miss that dog* transformed into matted yet luminous, Oil of Ulay-commercial-worthy complexions. Argh... imagine what I'll do with THE FULL RANGE OF SKILLS, BABY!!! Reminded again abt my lack of height *groan* as so obviously shown in the pic. Was that tanned cos went to Sentosa the day b4 (I think). Was that fucking short cos... well... I dont even know y. But nvm, God is FAIR. Whatever I lacked in height, I made it up in looks/personality... or it could well be in no. of heels muahahaha!!! Siaaaaaaoooooo~~~ ![]() Liting's 21st bdae party. Bdae grl looks radiant in pink, flanked by Kylie & me, w Suzanne far left. ======================================================= Introducing the dullest blog in the world...sibeh qian bian... |
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:56 pm
::For those above 21 ONLY::
Ok, for those of u who've had enough of those cutesy little quizzes that tell u abt what kinda candy u are, what kinda grlfren u'll make (how come there're no quizzes for the "boyfrens"?), what kinda *get this* FRUIT ur personality resembles (gawd I'll nvr see a *cough cough* strawberry in the same light again... yes ppl, if u even have to ask, u're too young to know) or what kind cartoon u're like, here's a site (courtesy of C********) with a refreshing twist to the normal quizzes. Contrary to my fave bikini-cut (triangle-top, string-bottom), (see bottom)
Diaoz... have to highlight the HUGE space to see the BLACK words. K later. Gotta go get ready for CLUBBING!!! WOOHOO!!!!! P.S.: Nah beh... found out my blogskin is No.2 on the Pai Hang Bang... WTH... to think I took over 2 tedious hours to choose my blogskin last time, only to find that prob 10,000 ppl are using it now... P.O.S. |
3:28 pm
Was just browsing my mei's newly-updated blog. Finally FINALLY hear more abt this story, HanaKimi
. Y the emphasis on some anime, u ask? Well, for starters, she's been using this nick for like FOREVER man... okok prob since sec1? When everyone first got *excited, frantic waving of hands* EMAIL... As u guessed, one of the characters' names is reflected in her email add. ================================================================ Met Martin yesterday for bah chor mee at SRJC *many thanks & hugs to my dear mei who waited w me for his phone call* Except for the new murals on the walls for the 5 houses, new free-of-poles-for-birds-to-stand-&-shit-on-ur-head-while-u're-eating canteen ceiling, new student council room, new painted Aquarium's benches, new teachers, new "worse" students, new VP, Ms Ong's new rebonded hair & new HOD of Sci (who *hush hush* was rumoured to be my C.T.'s bf), everything's pretty much the same. Oh yah, unfortunately, Cherry Chacko was at home resting. Martin said he's slacking... Hmmm... Oh well *pat on the back* WOOHOO!!! I DIDNT see that Josephine Wong (entire choir called her Bitch)'s name on the teacher-calling system at the entrance of the staff room. Mayb *fingers-crossed* she kana kicked out?!?!?!!! OH MAN... y must ALL the good stuff happen AFTER we're gone, I grimaced to Martin. At least we got to use the new LT5 b4 we grad =P Ooohhh.. that musical vending machine is STILL ard!!! It was the 2nd, not 1st machine from the right & when Martin got the right one, he pointed excitedly at me & exclaimed for the entire canteen to hear "YOU HEARD THAT?!?!?!" *attempts to hide face using my small hands but unsucessful* (Cant imagine the 1st words from Ms Ong was " R U 2 together?" SUCH RIDICULOUS NONSENSE!!! Vehemently & violently denied it. Gawd... MUAHAHAH) Going clubbing later w Jiaming!!! WOOHOO!!! Gotta shake that booty!!! (Oh, this reminds me: the story is that Bitch was the ONE farking huge obstacle standing in my way of entering the SR dance team so I had to settle for the choir which I already joined. Wat the fuck man... When I found out, I cried my eyes out... minutes b4 I was supposed to go on stage for a performance & seconds b4 my altos comforted me. Haiz... wat a farking waste of an opportunity.) ================================================================ Anyway, I'm gonna try to add in something new I see everytime I go online. For today, it's this site I came acrossed. Njoy!!! ![]() Go check more pics like this out at under "featured portfolio". Amazing photography skills... |
Monday, May 24, 2004 9:44 pm
10:55 am
Bored... as usual. SO let's check out the latest update on my TO-Do list:
At last glance it looked something like this: IMMEDIATE MATTERS (private) Go to The Rock!!! Clean up room Friends (no not the TV show) Grl Talk Sessions Buddy Talk Sessions ENJOY Karaoke VCD marathons Tawning over Jie Meis' hall Movies Queer eye for a straight guy The OC aka Orange County Smallville (shit I REALLY wanna watch ah...) Books books books Jazz Bars Art Cook Beach Another PT job Venture: Photoshop Dreamweaver Risk: Heart... =============================================================================== Ok let's zip back to the present: Done: IMMEDIATE MATTERS (private) Clean up room *quick look ard me* (alas I have to do it again) Friends (BOTH the show & yes, frens) Grl Talk Sessions (need to have more but eveyone's friggin' figuratively AND literally attached to their other halves so it's almost impossible to get them away. Macham their life source.. then again, the saying goes "I cant survive without u", which is prob true in their cases, the poor dependent souls) Buddy Talk Sessions (firmly believe that guys & grls can remain frens all the way.. esp since my guy buddies DONT @ all turn me on.. okok too much info) ENJOY Karaoke (Fish Leong Fish Leong Fish Leong) VCD marathons (LOTR almost completed, some other Korean dramas courtesy of Mei) Tawning over Jie Meis' hall (HAHAHAA!!! The clip is hilarious!!!) Movies (Troy being most recent. Legolas is so hot, Paris is so not. HEY!!! Gd one, Jean!) The OC (not V enjoyable, surprisingly. Think I'm the only one ard who feels so?) Books books books (trashy, thrilling, horror...) Cook (the normal edible stuff, sadly. Nothing OTT) Beach (going again tml. I really shd get the Islander card man... Mei, remind me tml yah?) Venture: Photoshop (still fiddlin' w the icons & all) The rest: Later... |
10:19 am
Just back from TTSH. Accompanied Dad there for his kidney-stone removal surgery. But apparently he had eaten a light breakfast (which the pamplet said is ok, that inconsistent P.O.S.) so it had to be postponed to Friday morning. The light breakfast part is only for lunch-time appointments. So NOW we know.
But anyway, just wanna say that the Penang Laksa SUCKS BIG TIME in the canteen!!! Dont even try it unless u're a damn freaking curious cat (by then which I'll say OB-good). Was starving when I got to the canteen but couldnt eat more than 4 bites. Damn gross. Pui... @ one time it smelt like hamsters. My gawd... ewwwwwwwwww... shit & I think I'm having a stomachache cos of it. DAMN U, U STUPID CREATOR-OF-TTSH-PENANG-LAKSA-RECIPE!!! On the way back, Dad was bitching abt the sucky driving skills of the taxi driver. Dont let others pass, jerky gear-changing, sometimes-slow-sometimes-fast driving speed, loud radio, even louder always-3-times-in-a-row horning... which prompted Dad to NOT give him a tip at the end of journey. Diaoz... Oh yah, I found out that N.B. means "Note Well" & not "Note Being" & definitely not "Nah Beh" as I've instinctively thot for the past dun noe how many years HAHAHAHHAA... Thanks Thesaurus. Later. |
2:50 pm
It's all abt style, taste & class, guys. From drab to fab in a day
Ever watched Queer Eye for a Straight Guy ? 5 gay men out to give the ultimate makeover of the home, wardrobe, culture, dietary & grooming habits of ur average, typical "I dont give a shit abt my looks cos I'm macho" guy. No? Then u shd go check out the self-entitled instruction manual in Borders. A really funny & enlightening read for ALL, not just the guys. Flipped through it with a guy fren of mine some weeks back. 15 mins passed & as I turned around to tell him I'm off to the magz section, I'm pleasantly surprised that he's still on Chapter One, eyes fervently skimming the pages, probably absorbing all the Fab Five had to offer. Afterwards, much of the conversation consists of how much he DOESN'T KNOW about all 5 aspects. Half the stuff they had on ONE PAGE in "Grooming" was totally foreign to him... & me as well *gulp* okok... recalling that day at while we Fuggers were having F.U.G. (UpGrading Fair wadya think it is?!?!) & Mel showed one episode where this guy was getting ready to propose to his grlfren & he SOOO needed EVERYTHING to be FANTASTIC... kaoz... After the whirlwind waltz of polishing him up, he finally got down to proposed & man... I cried. Right there in front of indifferent passing NUS ppl. Serious. Scaringly touching scene. (hey that guy cried too after he realised how MUCH the 5 did for him) Until the next book review... later! P.S.: Check this out too!!! |
2:24 pm
Went for tuition today as usual. Turned out the Principal (God knows who he/she is) wanted to check their work. The kids are supposed to hand in their T1W1- T2W9 worksheets, filed in chronological order, next week. *fingers crossed that they've done all their correctly, no missing pieces, all test papers signed by parents*
But it's like wishing for the paunch which I've, all through the years, painstakingly concealed from the public eye to disappear once & for all... will NOT happen. Wake up Jean. *slaps self... gently of course* Hmmm... think I shall upload this photo of my darling hamster *the guai-est to date among its other 7 squeaking siblings/half-siblings/step-siblings/parents/watever (yes, my frens, they DO commit incest) This one's the only one who'll lie flat on my palm while I massage its back... so trusting, this little fella. Didnt bother naming cos no matter wat I call out, they'll ALL respond. Sheesh. Talk abt identity-crisis. Speaking of pets, I wonder how big has Zac grown since the last time I saw him. Haha... so heartwarming to hear that the whole family's become attached to him. *Flashback: Dad complaining abt Pui-Ter attacking him while he was gingerly trying to feed him a peanut HAHAHA!!! Mai siao siao, my hamster can make u bleed man.* Here's Pui-Ter's grandson/granddaughter (still cant figure out the gender) |
12:09 am
I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-minute work I will not do last-min work
Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:29 pm
Phew... Thanks to Aik Ming, I've managed to include my archives finally, learnt to hyperlink the links, add stuff to "links", bold & underline them.
Thanks dude!!! Muak! |
4:01 pm
Finished Two Towers. Next stop: Part 3: The Return of the King.
1st off, let me say a HUGE thank you to Martin, for both teaching the basics of photoshop to me & giving me a copy of the program heehee =) Was merrily editting the photos I took at my bdae (yes yes yes damn frigging long time ago) & the Sentosa pics. Remove zits lah, scars lah, moles lah etc. So now everyone (well, the kids look naturally beautiful so my work was sped up) has GREAT LOOKING SKIN. Sorry lah, for those not blessed with symmetrical & proportionate features, that one boh bian. No matter how improvised Photoshop is or how great the skills of the Photoshopper are, u'll still have a face only your mother will love... K k I'm mean. Your FATHER oso. MUAHAHAA!!!!!! Oh yah yesterday, I used the healing brush tool to remove Martin's nipples & belly-button MUAHAHAHAHA!!! DAMN FUNNY AH!!! So he's the nippleless & belly-button-less HAMTARO muahahah!!! (he threatened to airbrush me topless with his nipples on me... I'm so so SOOO scared.) & we were changing his tan in the 3 photos (heng we didnt take more) CHEAT!!! But he looks great. What a cheater haha! *coughes & looks ard* Dum de da da...*whistling* *clicking sounds into the night* FINALLY!!! Clear, rosy, healthy, moisturised, matt, unblemished, unspotted & TANNED skin!!! Unbelievable. Thou shall call it my "Shen Qi Shui". *Beat this Sammi Cheng!!! & Pan Ling Ling!!!* MUAHAHAHA!!! (Kinda reminds me of that Oil of Ulay commercial "Wo de mao kong ye shuo xiao le... Zhen Qi miao!!!" *trying to give herself natural-looking grey eyes without turning out looking like a freak* Next step: find out how to upload photos up here. Watch this space! heehee. Later =) P.S.: Oh yah, ppl who're REALLY bored can go check this out |
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:44 am
Listening to Fish Leong's Lian Ai De Li Liang now *grinz* See wat KTV did to me... heehee... Blasting the sound system. If anyone complains, thou shall ignore them.
Think I'll go buy the album another time. *kudos to Jiaming for lending it to me, u're a dearie MUAK!!!* (Oh yah thanks alot for the presents!!! Love them heehee...) Oh man speaking of KTV, last impromptu session was w Martin. Typical lah, he chose the oldies & me, the Chinese songs. They're so much easier to sing, dun noe y. So S.H.E, Elva "Siao", Jolin "Sai", A*Mei & Fish crooned away in that dark little room in K-ster. (Eh Mei!!! One day we go ah!!! We all talk no action haha!!) I chose the old duets (Jacky Cheung's rendition of Ni Zui Zhen Gui & "Jian Gui Le" Wu Zhong Xian & Landy's Wu Ding) DAMN NICE AH... esp when we harmonize successfully... power power... *make a mental note to check out other new duet songs to teach Martin Da Hamtaro muahaha... there's NO escape, my kangtang fren* Let's see now... wat else did I do for the past MIA days... Suntanning at Sentosa, Agency-hopping, Reading, Freaking out over the exam results which are YET to be released, Gym, Slacking away basically.. |
Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:29 pm
Oh grt. Now they've changed the formatting thingy for blogging. Gotta get used to it... & *arched eyebrow* there's actually DUST on my black keyboard! & I'm typing slower than usual... too long no blog.
From the last time I blogged til now, life's been alright. Stagnant. Nothing promising for the future. As usual. But who farking cares =P Got a msg from Celeste abt her fren's (Stephie) 17th bdae retro/hippie-themed party, a butch whom I noe from her Xmas party last yr (If anyone remembered, I mentioned it in a really-long-time-ago blog.) The rest of the family's gonna be there of course, save for a few w prior commitments. Pretty excited abt seeing the gang of them again. & here's when my retro-style, more-new-than-old bikini came in handy =P Went early to help Celeste as door-bitch... which wasnt that much of a favour cos I wasnt anywhere near the door, but watever. Mostly 17 yr olds there at ECP's Costa Sands, other than Celeste's family (who're definitely more my type of hang-out ppl) In between waiting for the rest of the gang to turn up, munching, drinking non-alcoholic fluids, talking, more waiting, more nibbling, the $250 DJ came & set up his shit. Cool. But no one's dancin' yet cos no booze... yet. Bartender's yet to show her face. & after the long wait w the kids *I say kids cos they ARE behaving like kids* demanding for booze to be served (poor Celeste had to make vodka-7-up for the time-being), BT finally turned up & showed us wat she's got. Downed Bailey's *to be slowly savoured, NOT downed in my opinion*, Bombay Sapphire *which literally burned my throat*, more vodka. High, but not THAT high. & I got a farking rash from that evening primrose oil capsule I swallowed earlier on that day. Fark. & THERE'S NO AIRCON on the 1st level, only the room above. & the windows there are NAILED/WEDGED shut. Fark. So there u have it, about 10 ppl max in the room gettin' jiggy with it, perspiration all over their hot *literally lah* bodies, systems running high on alcohol. Of course, & the in-between breaks where we're running out the backdoor to get some much-needed relief & refuge from the sauna inside. Some have their tops off, me included. (Fark man, damn zhua... I didnt wan to but it reached the point where if I dont take off that 3/4 sleeved shirt, I'll look ridiculous there.) & then the most yi-xiang-bu-dao-de-shi happened. There's this grl whom I think was really REALLY high... TOO high, I shd say. K I'll stop here. Cos I didnt noe how to put it. But let's just say that I wont do wat I did if I'm farking sober & cool-in-the-head. But oh well, no harm done. Poor Celeste had to clear up all the crap, together with the rest of the Puke Unit. U see another example of the family spirit there... Silently helping... Then leaving quietly after the event... Haiz... K. Ending here. Damn long blog after such a long time... justified hahaha... Tata ppl. Take care. |
Monday, May 10, 2004 1:17 am
I WAN TO GO SENTOSA!!!!!!! argh... sian
Friday, May 07, 2004 1:31 am
Here's a quote from a dear fren of mine. Thanks JIE MEI!!! U're a sweetie *muak*!!!
GOD DOES guide us... in miraculous ways tat we cant decipher n somtimes not tru very apparent ways He give us e courage tat we tot was not ther he teaches us important lessons in life for tis thingy its all abt communication.. communication is damn impt in any kind of relationships.. a galleon of self-analysis canot beat an ounce of confession he made me learn more abt myself tat i'm braver than i tink i m tat i shld b more honest w myself he made me realise how DARlings me frens are.. drew me closer to my sis(talked to her alot durin those times) made me realise that no matter how hard we try to control our lives WE WILL STILL FLOP u see in tis case of mine...i always tink tat e time was not rite to bring up n talk it out.. he refers to god Angelia--seeks identity in toughness but it's softness that attracts says: i shld wait n see how things go..its always like tt.... not noe-in tat e procrastination is detrimental to everything i tried to control so much of wats rite n wats rong tat EVRYTIN WENT WORNG!! lord made me INTERNALISE wat everbdy noes tat e world is not fair, loaded w evils, never as idealistic as we want it to be BUT..... tatt dont mean we cant hope... bein hopeful is different from bein ideal bein hopeful is different from bein idealistic.. w hope..we are conscious of e imperfections n tru imperfections we noe e true value of perfections so tat we can treasure it more so that we can love god more (god is perfect!!!) so yes...we will commit wrongs...we will do stupid things... we will grow white hair...get infested w pimples....grow fat n unhealthy...look ugly... hate people...get hated... we judge others... we get judged... we control...we get controlled.. we get happy we get sad... we feel blessed we feel unblessed.. we r timid til we realise we r brave we jus cant always LOOK ON E BRIGHT SIDE n everythiin is solved somtimes we just noe wat life's all abt...somtimes we feel its damn meaningless.. doesnt mean tat wat i say now will get stuck in my head n heart forever.. doesnt mean tat i have gained enlightenment.. i noe i WILL STILL GET HURT (so does eveyrbdy...haha...) i WILL LOSE FAITH in God i will still hate him somtimes in e future tats why i ALWAYS CHERISH the times wen i do hav faith in him wen i love him n i pray for forgiveness for e past present n future.. noe-in tat i wil be forgiven n thus feel damn grateful tru his grace n tis awe of gratefulness i will try to do e right things tat he wans us to but somtimes i try too much i do wrong tings or wrong tings happen to me.. but i m proud to say it now tat i KNOW TAT GOD WILL ALWAYS GUIDE US n i pray that that conviction,tat belief, tat faith will always stay in me (n in u all) forever n ever...CONTINUOUSLY AMEN |
Wednesday, May 05, 2004 11:54 pm
Bored... so took a colour quiz... like all colour quizzes where u dun noe wat to expect at all & (for me at least) I didnt give it much thot b4 choosing the colours, jus making sure there's an even selection of bright funky hues w the monotonous ones (cos there's still gotta be some way of choosing rite? If it's random then wat kinda random ans will they give??? Geddit?) It mayb just 8 colours but the results hold q a bit of truth in em =P Anyway, for all u bored souls out there, here's the add:
Your Existing Situation Trying to improve her position and prestige. Dissatisfied with her existing circumstances and considers some improvement essential to her self-esteem. Your Stress Sources Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision Your Restrained Characteristics Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve herself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Sensitive and sentimental, but conceals this from all except those very close to him. Your Desired Objective Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in action. Activity is directed towards success or conquest and there is a desire to live life to the fullest. Your Actual Problem Fights against restriction or limitation, and insists on developing freely as a result of her own efforts ENTP Extroverted (E) 67.5% Introverted (I) 32.5% Intuitive (N) 53.33% Sensing (S) 46.67% Thinking (T) 52.17% Feeling (F) 47.83% Perceiving (P) 50% Judging (J) 50%
personality tests by
personality tests by
personality tests by Another one... Can tell I'm bored eh haha!!! Okey dokey... tata for now! |
Monday, May 03, 2004 1:21 pm
Reading thru Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood. I'm practically as disinterested as Toru Watanabe... oh well...
Got me thinking abt... well... stuff. Nowadays seems to find it hard to express myself properly. Or rather, thots that came in little streams or great torrents all disappeared into the air, nvr to reappear again. Scars... everybody has them, all of us gotta live with them (or bloody well learn how to if U haven already) & their freakin' side-effects. Can just envision me opening my chest to see all those herring-bone stitches, backstitches, all along the seams of that pumping machine, even along my arteries... each stitch deeply etched & taking a painstakingly long time to remove. & I gotta remove them at the right time cos if I dont, I'll bleed myself to death, cry myself to sleep. & when I finally do get rid of them all, it's like a sudden sense of revelation one feel. That carefree feeling? Seems foreign but yeah, I do get them... sometimes. Then I'd look at the holes left by those stitches... all little tiny, minute pores that u cant see but still know they're there. How to wave them away when u can feel their presence? Cloaking them is no use, I tried. Live with them, I say. Guess some people have more scars than others? Same shit, different day for me; more shit, different day for them.... Was looking at a recent scenario... & I wondered if I'm living thru another's scars... cos they seem more like wounds to me... This person seems to be either picking at his stitches or having trouble mending himself back. Battered soul, is he? I dun noe... Thou I wished to God that I could somehow, provide a balm for those wounds. But sometimes, issues are to be resolved by oneself... & oneself only. So correct me if I'm wrong. |
2:00 am
Was browsing thru my bimbotic moments on blog *groan*
Met Sharon for lunch. Some Jap restaurant at PS. Pretty good fare. Sama sama compared w Sakae. Anyway, yeah, missed that grl man. Lucky grl's going to Paris w that KFC & his parents (early 21st bdae present). It's pretty... I dun noe, comforting? to get back in touch w old frens whom u seldom see but are definitely close to... cant miss that connection; Jessalyn, Sharon & yea, Hikaru. Thanks grls, for listening without prejudice, for being there for me. I really appreciate it, pls excuse the cliche. But really... yeah. Impromptu msg interruption by MSN... & my response to THAT particular one...... Eugene Ting Zhi Chao is REALLY irritating me now. Piss off & yes, go screw yourself. Go. & take your freakin' pseudo-friendliness tone along w u. Nothing mildly intelligent to talk/comment abt? Then say nothing. "U say it best when u say nothin' at all..." croaked Ronan Teething... Teating/Keating watever. Otherwise, dun bitch to some other bitch when I give u obviously rude, disinterested, one-worded answers to whatever u got to say. Man, talk abt seeing someone's true colours. I'm obviously colourblind. Better not commit the same mistake again. But easier said than done, sad to say. "TRY......", crooned Nelly Furtado frm my sound system. ANYWAY, back to the topic. Got some kinda encouragement from Sharon to not let opportunity pass. FIRST kinda encouragement of any form anyone has given me abt that matter. But still, hanging on, holding on... not letting go... can do crazy things to oneself. *shrugs* Been thru worse shit, so heck... for now. Chatted w Hikaru at grandma's. Just picked up the phone to ask abt her life... & b4 I knew it, started telling her abt that shitty time I had (hey... u're good! At getting me talking... again...) But not all. Too much to tell & I dun noe what to talk abt in detail... snatches here & there. Glimpses into my seemingly complicated stressful life... They say prioritise whatever is impt first... watever. Tired. Just glad to hear that she's in control & happy =) U go grl =P Phone call from the vibrating cages of a certain furless, horny, gay, zitty, sterile, bimbotic, loosejawed & orgasmic Hamtaro Yeah! Sentosa & movie marathon here we come!!!!! Woohoo! Hang in there buddy, the exams will be over b4 u knew it... I mean it figuratively of course. Dun kok up & blur I tell u... Phone call from a certain someone special *grinz* okie... now wat shall we do come Tuesday... Hmmm... I'll think on the threadmill tml lah. Gotta tone up (hell, have to do my bikini justice rite?) Nothing interesting for now. Tired. Tata. Later. Watever. |
Saturday, May 01, 2004 1:59 am
I finally... finally... FINALLY got my bikini!!!
Met Jessalyn for dinner at Kenny Rogers. Talked sooo much, the both of us. I'm really happy that she's found someone she can picture marrying in the near future, someone to love & treasure her =) She used to freelance w his company but now w another so yeah, earning $$$ & frm the looks of it, it's gonna continue aft she grads. YOU GO GRL!!! 2 years plus... considering she was with him since March 2002 (TS & me April 2002), cant help thinking that if I hadnt fallen out of love w him, we wd have celebrated our 2nd year anniversary just recently...... Feels a little "sour". But just a little bit. Jess thinks it's such a waste but oh well, diff ppl diff views. Went to Topshop after our meal. This cheery string bikini w cyan strings & bold hearts on white caught my attention immediately. Went on to try it w 2 other designs. But it still stood out among them. That baby had no trouble catching my attention man... & driving me crazy lingering in my mind. Didnt buy yet cos had to compare w my old bikini bottom to make sure it fits (cant try the bottom bleh). BUT I FINALLY DID (BUY that is, not try) !!! heehee... GREAT... did I just make myself sound like an air-head bimbo? Y are all my blogs so... bimbotic? haiz... guess there's nothing substantial happening (even if so I'll not write abt it here) Later. |